No-code GIS
data pipelines

Ingest vector and raster data automatically from data warehouses, satellite constellations, OpenStreetMap, and more. Complete with enterprise-level support.

Free consultation with the founders

Analyze imagery automatically

Analyzing satellite imagery requires complex geospatial ETL pipelines. But, with new satellite imagery available every minute, live updates are more important than ever.

  • Run inference when new data arrives
  • Landsat, Sentinel, OrbView, and custom integrations
  • Export results to PostGIS or data warehouse
  • On-premise version available
machine learning satellite imagery
vector data los angeles

Vector data in any format

Stacking datasets from different sources consumes valuable engineering time. Bunting makes importing vector data as easy as drag-and-drop.

  • Handle 1M+ points in 10+ formats
  • Automatic geospatial data enrichment
  • Drag and drop or upload via API
  • Centralize data for your entire team

Built on open source.

Custom pipelines.

Engage with our engineering team to see how Bunting can help.

We're happy to talk about any GIS problems.


On-premise is available for sensitive applications


Centralize spatial data for your entire team's needs

10+ formats

Load your spatial data without converting formats


Usage-based pricing with no surprise bills